Alongside our customers

Using the Black Garnet is as easy as using the mineral garnet – they behave in the same way.


Married to the idea of an innovative abrasive that would save money and help the environment, Euowaterjet began to test Black Garnet with waterjet cutting and sandblasting tests, ranging from grain sizes, types of abrasive (for now there are three) and treated materials of different nature.


These activities have led us to have a fair amount of experience, sufficient to be able to present our product, support our customers and advise them on the type of Black Garnet that best suits their needs, in order to optimize their work.


The close collaboration with our customers will allow them to be assisted whenever they need and Eurowaterjet to acquire new experiences in the use of Black Garnet precisely through the study of solutions for their problems: they will be partners in the ambitious project they want replace the almandine garnet with a 100% ecological abrasive.


Growing together for the benefit of all!